Set series range

Data Series is a row or column of numbers that are graphed in a chart. It allows you to choose a set of values from a dataset and plot them on a chart. However, if you want to graph only a snippet of the data in the column, you can set a series range and visualize only values in that range.

  1. In the upper-right corner, click Edit
  2. In the right-hand sidebar, click Data Series.
  3. Select the series you want to edit.

    Quicker way to select a series is to click the bar, line, or symbol representing that series in the chart.

  4. Under Show values within range, use the slider to define the range. For example, if you select a range 1-3, then only the first 3 rows from the table would be visualized.

Changes are applied instantly, so you can view changes in real time.