Set value labels and label format

Value labels are used to present data series in more detail and they are linked to data points in your dataset. You can set labels for each bar, bubble, column, area, line, and pie charts to show the values of that specific data point. You can customize value label format for more accurate representation of your data. 

General settings

General settings will be applied to all series unless you set up labels for individual series.

  1. When viewing a chart, click Edit in the upper-right corner. 
  2. Click Data Series to open the series tab.
  3. Select General
  4. Next to Value Labels, click to access the dropdown with all available label positions.
  5. Select the position that works best for your chart.
  6. Next to Labels Format, type in the format formula.

Click  next to Labels Format to see available formatting options. 

Individual series settings

In addition to applying the general settings to all series, you can set up value labels and format for individual series. 

  1. When viewing a chart, click Edit in the upper-right corner. 
  2. Click Data Series to open the series tab.
  3. Select Series
  4. Click a series you want to edit to expand it.
  5. Next to Value Labels, click to select label position from the dropdown.
  6. Next to Labels Format, type in the format formula.

Click  next to Labels Format to see available formatting options.