Set up interactive legend

Charts are used to visually present data, but it's up to the readers to decode what all the circles, bars, and colors represent. The chart and axis titles are not always enough to help the reader decode your chart. Because of this, you might want to include a legend and describe the chart components using color and symbols.

Set up chart legend

  1. In the upper-right corner, click Edit.
  2. Click Legend to access the legend customization menu.
  3. From the Position drop-down, choose legend position, or turn it off by clicking None.

Enable interactivity

When two or more series are graphed in the chart you're editing, the Behavior options bar will appear below the Position drop-down, which allows you to enable interactivity. When the interactivity is enabled, readers can click any of the symbols in the legend, and it will affect the series in the chart represented by the symbol. Here's what each behavior does:

  • Hide – When readers click on a symbol in the legend, the series represented by that symbol will be completely hidden. 
  • Gray out – When readers click on a symbol in the legend, the series represented by that symbol will be grayed out, but still visible in the chart. 
  • Focus – When readers click on a symbol in the legend, the series represented by that symbol will be emphasized, while the remaining series will be grayed out. 
  • None – Readers will not be able to interact with the legend.

You can set a specific series to be hidden, grayed out, or emphasized when the chart loads. Keep in mind that readers will be able to switch from the default series to other series by clicking the corresponding symbol in the legend.